Grant Riveters offers a full line of Pneumatic and Hydraulic
Double-Ended Riveters. Our standard product range is from 3MM to
26MM pin diameters in solid mild steel material or from 2MM to 16MM
pin diameters in solid mild stainless steel material.

The Grant
Riveters Double-Ended Rivet Systems are of the highest precision and the
easiest to use riveter in the industry today. Our machines are
horizontally adjustable to handle a broad range of work length. Our
riveting system is very unique as it will not only fasten to a
precise depth but also flexible to change its operation with a flip
of a switch and fasten to a precise backpressure. We have
experimented in depth and find that the Grant Riveter when set up in
pressure mode is so accurate and easy to use. This feature is ideal
for job shop type work. Our pressure system will allow you to set up
a minimum of 5-presets for you riveting applications. Call us today
at 800-227-2150 and let our sales team pick out the best system for
your riveting applications today!